Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rais Obama alishuhudia LIVE Osama akiuawa

Osama Bin Laden (54)
Rais Barack Obama wa Marekani (wa pili kushoto) akishuhudia LIVE namna Osama Bin Laden anavyopigwa risasi na kuuawa wakati kiongozi huyo wa Al -Qaeda na wasaidizi wake wanapambana na vikosi maalum vya majeshi ya Marekani nyumbani kwake nchini Pakistan.

Rais Obama na timu yake ya mambo ya usalama wa taifa walishuhudia mapambano kwa njia ya satelite kwenye moja ya vyumba vya Ikulu ya Marekani.

Kwa mujibu wa gazeti la Dail Mail la Uingereza, Rais Obama na timu yake walishuhudia Osama akipigwa risasi katika jicho la kushoto.

Wa pili kulia ni Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje wa Marekani, Hilary Clinton.

Eneo walipouawa Osama, mkewe, na wanaume wengine watatu akiwemo mwanawe wa kiume.
Rais Obama akifuatilia kwa makini mapambano yaliyosababisha kifo cha Osama

Waziri Hilary Clinton akishuhudia mapigano hayo.

Rais Obama akijadiliana jambo na Mshauri wake wa Mambo ya usalama wa taifa wakati wakishuhudia mapambano ya Osama na vikosi vya marekani usiku wa kuamkia jana.

President Obama was watching on a TV screen as a commando gunned down Osama Bin Laden. Via a video camera fixed to the helmet of a U.S. Navy Seal, the leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.

The Seal then carried out what is known in the military as a ‘double tap’ – shooting him again, probably in the chest, to make certain he was dead.

The footage of the battle in Bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout – relayed to the White House by satellite – is said to show one of his wives acting as a human shield to protect him as he blasted away with an AK47 assault rifle.

She died, along with three other men, including one of Bin Laden’s sons. Within hours, the Al Qaeda leader’s body was buried at sea.

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