Monday, September 28, 2015

No Glove No love

First year students at the University of Nairobi have been advised to use contraceptives whenever they engage in sex. 

The campaign dubbed ‘No Glove, No Love’ advocates for the use of other contraceptives as well besides condoms. 

Speaking to Campus Vibe, Women Students Welfare Association (Woswa) chair Hilda Uku added that the ‘Yes to The C Word’ campaign would be launched this week, just in time for the new freshmen

“Guys have completely stopped using condoms. Most use condoms maybe during the first few encounters until ‘trust’ grows, then suddenly you are pregnant and at an abortion clinic,” said Uku. 

The campaign targets mostly female freshers.

1 comment:

  1. I Support the campaign
    Nice post.Keep up the good work
