Saturday, July 5, 2014

'Nawapa bikira Boko Haram' (2)

I want to use this opportunity to apologise to all the women around the world who have gotten my fight twisted for some reasons or the other to see this as not only a selfless service to humanity but to fall back to the biblical times where Jesus urged us to be our brothers keeper and love others as we love ourselves.”
Virginity has its own spiritual benefit.A lot of girls that are virgins think virginity is not worth keeping probably because they are being mocked and called names, a lot of people say virginity is lack of opportunity.
 So I am using this great opportunity to let the world know that if you are a girl and a virgin, oh you have a precious gift.
Make sure you end it up with a man who knows your worth, a man who knows what it means to have a pure lady. It is not a thing to be shameful about at all. Be proud.”

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