Thursday, May 1, 2014

Daktari amfagilia Mfalme mtarajiwa

'He does love it honestly,' said William as his son threw the toy bilby on the floor. The toy was presented to him on a visit to the Australian Nightlife enclosure last weekend. The infant Prince was given the soft toy by the zoo director who hoped the royal visit would help highlight efforts to conserve the country's native animals
Australian children's health specialists say Prince George is an advanced baby with excellent developmental skills for a child of his age.

Sydney paediatricians who observed his responses in photographs and on television footage of his two public appearances say the nine-month-old is progressing well and his parents should be pleased their child is in the top range for his age.

'He looks like a very mobile baby who actively plays with toys and crawls around and he could be almost walking which is very good at nine months,' said Dr Antonia Milner of the Sydney Children's Hospital.

According to Sydney developmental paediatric specialist Dr Lee Sutton, Prince George's reaction in the bilby enclosure showed 'very good gross motor skills' and the fact he was 'standing up, holding onto the railing and he was pointing at the bilby was really nice because he's only nine months old'Prince George is going through his 'oral phase; in which he sticks just about everything in his nouth - including this car sticker, which he proceeded to chew while flinging the toy bilby to the dirt
'A mobile baby who will go after the toys he wants, and perhaps pulling himself up to stand, chucking a toy to the ground is all good.

"And if he's standing alone, waving bye bye and clapping or saying more than 'Mum' and "Dad" that would be very advanced.

'He looks like he might be about to walk. It's probably a little bit early for a nine-month-old. The fact he's playing with babies or small children, that's more likely than responding to adults who aren't his parents.

'But getting excited with the little animal in the zoo, that's pretty advanced. [The Duke and Duchess] do have a pet dog I know that, so he might have experience with animals through that.

'He's obviously aware of the world and interested in the world. It's lovely to see such an aware baby.'

Paediatrician and developmental specialist Dr Lee Sutton said she was impressed with Prince George's focus on the animal named after him at Taronga Zoo, the bilby.

The Duchess of Cambridge has said this is her favourite photograph from the tour Down Under, of herself with a smiling Prince George on her shoulder in New Zealand. The royal couple can take heart that while they were collecting happy memories, the young prince was also making important developments and impressing local doctors with his skills and engagementPrince George displayed 'lovely development' and was 'quite social and engaging' said Sydney paediatrician Dr Lee Sutton, 'and he's crawling and pulling to stand. That's good'Prince George was delighted when he was presented with the giant plush toy wombat by Australia's Governor-General Peter Cosgrove at Admiralty House on the family's first day in AustraliaDaily Mail

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