Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kichanga chalia wakati kinaandaliwa kuzikwa

NI tukio la aina yake na huenda litazua mijadala katika tasnia ya kidaktari nchini Brazil na kwingineko hasa kuhusu uthibitisho wa kifo cha binadamu.

Jumanne iliyopita binti mwenye umri wa miaka 14 alijifungua wakati ujauzito ukiwa na miezi saba, madaktari wakasema mtoto alikuwa amefariki dunia.

Familia ya binti huyo iliuchukua mwili wa marehemu na kwenda nao nyumbani kwa ajili ya mazishi na maziko, lakini wakati wanajiandaa kumzika, mtoto huyo alilia hivyo akanusurika kuzikwa.

Kichanga hicho kilikimbizwa hospitali, lakini kwa bahati mbaya, kiliaga dunia siku iliyofuata, Jumatano.

Kwa mujibu wa madaktari, mtoto huyo ameaga dunia kwa sababu damu yake ilikosa hewa ya oxygen.

Soma hapo chini

A newborn girl was saved from being buried alive when she started crying at a funeral home, but she died Wednesday after being rushed back to a hospital, medical officials said.

A 14-year-old mother who was seven months pregnant gave birth to the girl Tuesday at the Santa Casa de Misericordia hospital in the nearby city of Araxa, according to a police statement.

It said the hospital reported that the baby died moments after being born and her body was sent to a funeral home.

As the undertaker was preparing it for burial, the girl started crying.

The baby was rushed back to the hospital and was then transferred to a neonatal intensive care unit at the Hospital das Clinicas in the city of Uberaba.

"She died of multiple organ failure caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood," said Joao Paulo Vicente, a spokesman for the Hospital das Clinicas, speaking by telephone.

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