Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wanawake waiba chupa za shampeni, wazificha sehemu za siri

Wanawake wawili wamenaswa dukani jijini florida nchini Marekani wakiiba chupa za shampeni na kuzificha katika sehemu zao za siri.

Hadi walipokamatwa wanawake hao walikuwa wameshachimbia kunako chupa NNE zenye thamani ya dola 400 za Marekani.

Kamera za ulinzi zimewaumbua wanawake hao kwa kuwa wameonekana tangu walipoingia dukani humo, namna walivyoinua sketi zao na kuzichimbia chupa katika sehemu zao nyeti ha di walipokamatwa.

A long skirt isn't your typical accessory for a crime, but it certainly appears effective.

Two women stole several bottles of champagne from a South Florida liquor store by shoving them up their skirt, all totally in view of the surveillance camera.

The upskirt bandits struck at the DPF Liquors store in Pembroke Park.

According to the owner, Paul Mouts, the two women made their way to the back of the liquor store, opened the cooler and put several Champagne bottles under their billowing skirts.

He said: 'They came over here, right in this fridge where I keep my cold Champagne and my cold wines, righton this row. Now it's missing. There's nothing on this row.

Surveillance video captured the first woman grabbing a bottle off the shelf, which she then placed under her skirt. The other woman followed and grabbed another bottle and put it up her skirt.

Mr Mouts said: 'How easy was that? She put it on this shelf. Then she picked it up. Then she put it right here, so easily. It was like nothing.'

He said a total of four bottles were stolen, with a total estimated value of $400.

'They took four bottles of Moet Rose, which is a high-demand item, and there's not enough supply, and it's worth about $90 each,' he said.

'These women are low-life people to me, and it's really not worth it to do that.'

He added: 'To us over here, it wasn't too funny. It's a big hit, $400, especially nowadays.'

Last October, the same store, and another liquor store, a block away, was hit in the same manner.

Police identified the perpetrators in this first robbery, but have been unable to find the women, reports.

Mouts said, 'It's very frustrating. It's the second time, and I want them caught.'

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