Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kulipo na upendo umri si tatizo

'Love will find you'

Bwana harusi Gilbert Herrick (99) na mkewe, Virginia Hartman (86) siku walipofunga pingu za maisha Juni 4 mwaka huu.

Herrick alikuwa bachela kwa miaka yote hiyo 99 kwa sababu alikuwa hajapata mwanamke anayefaa kuwa mkewe.

Bibi huyo alifiwa na mumewe miaka 25 iliyopita, ana watoto,wajukuu, na vitukuu.

A year before his 100th birthday, Gilbert Herrick is finally settling down.

At 99, he never married and assumed he never would until he met "the one". That's 86-year-old Virginia Hartman.

The pair fell for each other when Hartman moved into the Rochester-area community hospital, where Herrick lives.

While serving in 1943, Herrick was wounded on Valentine's Day in North Africa.

Herrick used to paint, but can no longer enjoy one of his favorite hobbies.

After a showing of her artwork in a hospital common area, he struck up a conversation.

Herrick, a world war II veteran, never considered himself a comittment-phobe. He just never met the right woman until Hartman.

She said no one else has come along since then that she wanted to share her life with.

The World War II veteran says he never got married because he never found the right one.

"There's nobody here to talk to," Herrick told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.

"She was the only one, and I started visiting her every day. I thought she would kick me out...She didn't."

It wasn't long before they decided to move into the same room, but in order to do so in the hospital, they'd have to be married.

It was Hartman who popped the question to her future husband and for the first time in his life, Herrick said yes.

He said Hartman has a nice family and laughed that they all like him.Hartman's first husband died 25 years ago.

They wed on June 4, in an event space at the hospital, with Hartman's children, grandkids and great-grandkids in tow.

Now the perpetually single retired postal worker is already seeing changes in himself since his marriage.

They shared the traditional vows of promising to love one another in sickness and in health.

He's picked up painting with his new wife. He's also picked up a new motto for love.

"Love will find you," Herrick said just before he said I do. Who says a man can't change?

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