is the shocking moment that a fearless woman rides pillion through the
streets of Russia wearing nothing but a helmet and a pair of pink
The woman is filmed riding through the streets at high speeds on the back of what appears to be a high-powered superbike.
She's holding tightly on to a man in front, wearing full protective leathers but is wearing no clothes herself.
The unusual incident occurred in the city of Oryol in western Russia's
Oryol Oblast region and was filmed by another motorcyclist for several
At one point the leather-clad driver with his nude passenger rears up onto his back wheel to showcase his biking skills.
fun video is set to the music of a pop song called Lifchik or Bra in
English by the singer Andrey Aleksin, which includes the line 'I don't
wear a bra and I walk down the street'.
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