Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Climate conference disappoints

The Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, Poland concluded with developing countries disappointed with the outcome, as industrialised nations refused to accept responsibility for losses caused by climate change and failed to make available funds for adaptation and mitigation to climate change.

According to the United Nations (UN), the 2013 Warsaw conference was a finance conference at which developed countries were supposed to make pledges to capitalise the green climate finance.

However, after two weeks of negotiations, not much was achieved as the amount of funds made available to developing countries for adaption and mitigation is far from enough.

In his concluding remarks, the Zimbabwean Minister of Environment, Water and Climate, Cde Savior Kasukuwere said with or without international support, developing countries should put in place national climate change projects to adapt to the extreme weather conditions being faced the world over.

He said Zimbabwe will soon launch its climate policy to guide the nation on projects to be done.

The coordinator of the African heads of state and government on climate change, who is also President of Tanzania, Mr Jakaya Kikwete said African ministers and climate change experts should unite and speak with one voice to promote the continent’s adaptation and mitigation efforts.

He admitted that this year’s climate change negotiations were tough.

Climate expert, Washington Zhakata pointed out that though the negotiations were disappointing in terms of financing, it is time all ministries involved work together to synchronise the projects.

Nearly 200 countries participated at this year’s climate conference and at the conclusion of the talks they managed to develop a framework for a global deal in 2015 that would be legally binding and applicable to all.

Industrialised countries that are mostly responsible for destroying the ozone layer are however fighting tooth and nail against the idea of a legally binding compensation arrangement.

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