Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Baby comes back from the dead

Katika hali ya kushangaza na isiyotarajiwa, mtoto aliyezaliwa Novemba 13 mwaka huu amefufuka katika chumba cha kuhifadhia maiti saa 10 baada ya kuwekwa huko kusubiri wazazi wake wachukue mwili wakauzike.

Soma zaidi hapo chini

A Colombian baby came back from the dead more than 10 hours after being sent to the morgue.

The tiny tot - now named Milagros (Miracles) - was born prematurely in Quibdo in the Pacific state of Choco in the early hours of Wednesday, November 13, last week.
According to Daily Mail, her mother Jenny Hurtado was just 27 weeks pregnant when she was rushed to the San Francisco de Asis hospital at 2:45am.

Medics performed a C-section but, unable to find signs of life, declared the newborn deceased just 35 minutes later - at 3:20am.

Taken to the morgue, the baby was placed inside a box. Staff then waited for her fisherman father to collect her.

But, on the father's arrival and as the attendant handed the baby over, they recognised signs of life and heard a soft cry.

Realizing the infant was still alive, workers rushed her on board a plane to the Santa Teresita del NiƱo Jesus clinic in the capital Bogota.

She remains there, accompanied by her aunt Reyes Hinestroza, receiving treatment for her underdeveloped lungs in intensive care.

Her mother remains in Quibdo, where she is recovering from the ordeal.

Specialist doctor Javier Zagarra told Semana that the mistaken death declaration could be down to a soft heart beat at the time of the birth.

'In some cases the heart movements are not perceptible even though the newborn is alive, they can declare it dead,' he said.

 Adapted from Daily Mail

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