Monday, October 28, 2013

Mrefu kuliko wote duniani apata mke

The world's tallest man, Sultan Kosen, arrives with his new wife to their wedding ceremony. The world's tallest man, Sultan Kosen, and his new wife, cut their wedding cake.

Sultan Kosen became the world's tallest man in 2009. Medics believe he's finally stopped growing.The Turkish farmer has married his lady love, Merve Dibo, from Syria. Sultan Kosen became the world's tallest man in 2009. Medics believe he's finally stopped growing.
Definitely worth Instagramming.
 IT IS a good thing that opposites attract, otherwise Sultan Kosen might've had a hard time finding a woman of similar proportions to share his life with. 
The world's tallest man is 2.51 metres high, which is a good two feet and seven inches taller than his new bride, Merve Dibo.

The Turkish farmer was married in a ceremony at the weekend, after previously almost giving up hope he'd ever find love, the Daily Mail reports.

So the gentle giant says it’s nothing short of a miracle that he has met his love match in Merve Dibo.

And despite a height difference of 2ft 7in, Mr Kosen, 30, celebrated the biggest day of his life yesterday – tying the knot with his 20-year-old bride in his native Turkey.
The World's tallest man Sultan Kosen poses with his fiancee Merve Dibo during their henna night, the ceremony held one day before the wedding
The World's tallest man Sultan Kosen poses with his fiancee Merve Dibo during their henna night, the ceremony held one day before the wedding

The couple dance the halay, a Turkish national dance. The Turkish farmer - who at eight ft three in, dwarfs his five feet 8 in fiance - is to marry Merve Dibo in a ceremony today
 Sultan suffers from a rare disorder called pituitary gigantism, which causes his body to continually produce the growth hormone
The couple dance the halay, a Turkish national dance. The Turkish farmer - who at eight ft three in, dwarfs his five feet 8 in fiance - is to marry Merve Dibo in a ceremony today
 Kosen also holds the Guinness World Record for the size of his 27.5cm hands and feet, which are recorded 36.5 centimetres - a massive size 28

Kosen, 30, has long been searching for a woman to share his life with, and had reportedly given up hope - until he met Ms Dibo

Before meeting Miss Dibo, Mr Kosen had spoken of his difficulties in finding a partner, as most potential girlfriends were put off by his size.

But yesterday the part-time farmer, who had ordered a custom-made suit and size 28 shoes for his wedding, said he was thrilled to have found ‘the person for me’. 

 He began shooting up at the age of ten, became the tallest man in the world in 2009 and finally stopped growing in 2011. 

He's one of only 10 people in recorded history to top the eight feet mark. And he also holds the current Guinness World Record for the largest feet and hands on the planet.

Kosen's gigantic wedding suit needed to be custom made, obviously. And his celebrity status in his home country meant the nuptials were a who's who of Turkey.

"Now I will have my own family and private life," he said. "How unfortunate I could not find a suitable girl of my own size. My fiancee is over 1.75 meters tall, but I believe I've found the person for me."

Kosen suffers from a rare disorder called pituitary gigantism, which causes his body to continually produce the growth hormone.

His condition is believed to have been caused by a tumour in the pituitary gland.

Doctors thought they had cured him in 2008 when they removed the tumour but he continued to grow by half an inch (1.27cm) a year.

Kosen said he struggled with his height, especially because all of his friends and family were 'normal size'.

"The kids used to tease me and I found that very difficult," he said.

"But now I am really proud of being tall."

 Daily Mail,

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