Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mke asimulia mumewe alivyouawa Westgate

Eunice Khavetsa's husband was a security supervisor at the mall/OLIVE BURROWS
Eunice Khavetsa’s husband was a security supervisor at the mall

Eunice Khavetsa is oblivious to the stares she elicits as she stalks around the MP Shah Hospital red eyed and with a leso wrapped over her trouser. 

Her main concern now is finding a way to get the father of her two children, Maurice Adembetsa, out of the hospital mortuary that she’s been informed cannot hold his body longer than the two days he’s already been there.

“I’m trying to organise for his transportation from here to Chiromo but I don’t have any money so I first have to get a hold of his employer and see if they will help me,” she tells Capital FM News.

Her husband’s former employer is the security firm that had been engaged to secure the Westgate mall and had succeeded to do so before Saturday when gun-toting terrorists went on the rampage.

“I was told that when the terrorists arrived they tried to force their way into the shopping mall and so his subordinates called him for help,” Khavetsa says relating what she’s heard of her husband’s final moments.
“But when the terrorists saw him make his way to their vehicles they got out and started shooting. He was a supervisor so he didn’t wear a uniform but I think they saw his radio,” she continues before breaking down. 
Seeing his daughter-in-law unable to continue, Jackton Ombesa takes over and explains that his son took at least seven bullets to the body.

“There were four bullet wounds on his chest, one through his throat, another one to the leg and one even took his ear off,” the 70-year-old small-scale farmer narrates as he uses a dirt-stained index finger to show exactly where the bullets pierced.


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