Monday, July 18, 2011

Walikuwa wapenzi, wakaachana, wakaoana, wameachana

Jennifer Lopez na aliyekuwa mumewe, Marc Anthony.

Watu wao wa karibu hawashangai kwa nini Lopez na Marc wameachana, ni jambo walilolitarajia kwa sababu ya mgogoro wa muda mrefu baina ya wanamuziki hao.

It has emerged that Jennifer told Marc it was over just hours before attending the BAFTA Brits to Watch event in Los Angeles last weekend where she met the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

While the news came as a surprise to many, friends of the couple have told the Mail on Sunday that it has been a long time coming.

‘This is not a surprise,’ J-Lo’s stylist Phillip Bloch said in an exclusive interview last night.

‘Marc is very controlling. In the beginning she liked that because he stood up to her, and in the early days he was very much in love with her and she was with him.’

But the couple are said to have begun to squabble soon after 41-year-old J-Lo’s mother moved into their Long Island, New York mansion in 2008 to help look after their newborn twins, Max and Emme.

‘They also clashed when she learned he owed millions in unpaid taxes on the Long Island estate,’ said film-maker Ed Meyer, an associate of J-Lo’s first husband, Cuban-born club-owner Ojani Noa.

Waliishi pamoja kwa miaka 7, wana watoto wawili pacha.

‘The other problem was that they couldn’t agree where to live.

'J-Lo’s career is in Hollywood and she wanted to live in their Malibu mansion and Marc loved New York.

She was going to move to New York in a last-ditch effort to save the marriage. But last Monday I heard it was all over.’

In a VH1 documentary Behind The Music recorded last year, Lopez revealed she had briefly dated Anthony in her youth, ending it because neither was ready to settle down.

When they met up again to record a track together for Lopez's movie Shall We Dance, they reignited the flame.

'We reconnected like we had never been apart,' she recalled.

'It was really the same chemistry and connection we had at the very beginning.'

According to Colombian news reports, Marc's people went to great lengths to prevent the press asking him questions about the split

Anthony added: 'That's when we knew - we'd matured enough, seen enough and lived enough to know that we were wasting our time not being together.

'I couldn't be more in love. I say it every day - I'm the luckiest man on earth.'

The pair renewed their wedding vows in 2008 and again last year as they celebrated their sixth anniversary.

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