Seth na Preston wanatajwa kuwa ni pacha wa maajabu si tu kwa sababu mmoja wao kazaliwa zaidi ya saa 50 baada ya mwenzake kuzaliwa, ila kwa kuwa, kwa sababu ya matatizo yaliyotokea wakati mama yao anajifungua, hakuna anayeamini kuwa wao na mama huyo wapo hai.

Soma hapo chini
MIRACLE twins Seth and Preston Campbell were born TWO DAYS apart - and in two different COUNTIES.
The pair beat million-to-one odds to survive, along with mum Donna Grove, 27, after a string of terrifying birth complications.
Donna gave birth to 2lb 6oz Seth while 28 weeks' pregnant at Frimley Park hospital in Camberley, Surrey.
But Preston - who was in his own womb sac - arrived more than 50 HOURS later after Donna had been whisked to London for treatment.
She said last night: "I feel blessed. We are all really really lucky to be here."
Dad James Campbell, 26, a painter and decorator, proposed to Donna after she recovered from the traumatic labour.
Seth was not breathing when born on April 13. He then went on to develop a life-threatening intestine infection, a heart murmur and blood poisoning.
He was taken 40 miles by ambulance to St Mary's in Paddington, central London.
Donna joined Seth the next evening, then the following day gave birth to 2lb 12oz Preston.
She then suffered a cardiac arrest after some of his womb sac fluid infected the blood stream - a condition called amniotic fluid embolism.
Seth's condition then worsened and he was taken to the specialist neonatal intensive care unit at London's Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.
Amazingly, doctors saved all three and they recovered during a ten-week hospital stay.
Medics put the odds of the trio's survival at a million to one. Dad James said: "The evening after the second birth was a dark, dark time. I feared I was going to lose them all."
Donna, now back at home in Bracknell, Berks, with her babies, added: "We now think it's quirky that they have different birth dates."
Consultant obstetrician Dr Kim Morgan, of Frimley Park Hospital, said: "Thanks to modern medicine and excellent care, Donna can fully appreciate her gorgeous babies."
St Mary's Imperial College consultant Shahla Ahmed added: "It is incredibly rare and everyone pulled together to save Donna. It was a team effort. They are a wonderful family."
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